Friday, August 17, 2012

The Journal of Value-Based Leadership

Leadership Shortcomings: A Values Deficit


The leadership gap that exists in today’s workplace is painfully evident. Too many workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. Middle managers complain of a lack of top-level leadership — one that sets high standards of morality and concomitant personal conduct, reflects ethical ideals, acknowledges a worker’s authenticity and contributions, instills trust, and fosters dedication. Even corporate leaders recognize this paucity of values in leadership and the serious threat it poses to sustained future economic growth. After all, leaders are needed to weather an economic storm, but thereafter, to ameliorate battered companies for future growth and sustainability.

For more information, please visit:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Strategic Health Care Marketing Publishes Ritch's Response to "On-Hold" Messages Article

Here is an excerpt from Ritch's response to the well-written June 2012 piece by Sheryl Jackson on "On-Hold" messages: "I would suggest...that a prime criterion by which one should judge how consumer-centric or market-driven a hospital, physician office, or clinic is in responding to callers is how many rings occur before the call is answered and how well-informed, gracious, accurate and helpful the respondent is."

Ritch went on to write "In addition, TV or radio professionals should record the ("On-Hold") messages. Many people believe "talking on the radio" is easy, until they do it and realize they sound terrible!"

In conclusion, Ritch suggested "I would be a tad bit skeptical about accepting on-hold messaging statistics provided by companies in the business of selling such services. And, if an institution is going to use them, be sure staff members don't rely on them excessively in lieu of being prepared to answer most questions and being able to swiftly connect the caller with the most appropriate person."

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Eich Column about Congress called "On Leadership" Published in Santa Barbara Independent

On August 2, 2012, the Santa Barbara Independent newspaper published my article called "On Leadership: Congress Could Learn Much from Santa Barbara." I hope you enjoy reading it.

The link is: