Saturday, March 17, 2012

Good Boss vs. Bad Boss on Baseline Magazine plus eSlideshow: Ritch's Book Featured

A special thanks goes to Dennis McCafferty and the kind folks at Baseline Magazine for writing about my book, Real Leaders Don't Boss, and for developing their 10 illustrative slides.


Good Bosses v. Bad Bosses: Know the Difference

Very few people in this world answer to no one, and knowing who you're working for can make the difference between having a positive work experience and wanting to quit for good at quitting time. How can you tell if you've got a micromanager or a genuine team leader who's interested in the success of his or her team? In "Real Leaders Don’t Boss: Inspire, Motivate and Earn Respect from Employees and Watch Your Organization Soar" (Career Press/available now), author Ritch K. Eich outlines ten “good boss/bad boss” scenarios, many of which you probably recognize from bygone gigs. As you advance in your own career, Eich contends, stay mindful that real leaders aren’t born; rather, they evolve over time, learning through trial and error. Not ever bad boss, he says, is destined to stay a bad boss. Now founder/president of Eich Associated, Eich has held leadership positions at Stanford University Medical Center, Blue Shield of California and the University of Michigan, among other institutions. He also has served in the Pentagon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO (South), the Pacific and Atlantic Fleets (Commands), as well as other joint commands.


  1. Is becoming a great Boss worth it? I'm tired from my career, but I'm not even manager now. I don't know. Do you have some advice maybe. Thank you people!
