Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sage Publications President & CEO Blaise Simqu, speaking recently in Ritch’s CLU marketing class, believes it’s vital to keep one’s commitments, whether it is to an employee, board member, supplier or manager. It’s what he calls “Calendar Integrity”and was part of his inspiring and engaging presentation entitled “From History Major to CEO: Lessons Learned along the Way.”


  1. Hard to imagine how someone can be an effective leader without keeping his or commitments. That's what integrity and trust are all about. A good leader needs to motivate people to follow, and that begins by having people know that your word is your bond.

  2. I really enjoyed auditing Dr. Eich's class. The speaker was exceptional and the presentation strong. Although I've been in management for 25 years, I took notes and truly learned a lot! I left the classroom thinking how lucky the students were to have such a committed and knowledgeable teacher.

  3. Mr. Simqu gave an effective presentation for what it truly means to be a leader, defining calendar integrity as "doing what you say you're going to do, when you say you're going to do it." Many times you see people say that they will get something done at a set date, yet somehow these plans fall through. This is an unacceptable practice in the business world if you want your business to be successful. Two other rules he also emphasized were "Knowing the Numbers," and to always "Tell the Truth."
